If you were not referred, we recommend starting here with a consult or contacting us for advice on best first steps.
Start here if already referred by your doctor.
Start here If you have completed a sleep study with Hypnos or elsewhere and would like to discuss results and treatment options.
Start here if you're using a CPAP machine and need a follow up to get CPAP supplies or have questions about your treatment.
Sleep Testing Explained
For most people, home sleep studies are effective at determining if they have sleep apnea. These tests are typically cheaper than in lab sleep studies and more convenient for you as they can be performed at home.
We offer low priced cash options at Hypnos and are able to get home sleep studies shipped to you within 48 hours (if appropriate). You can still use insurance for obtaining CPAP or dental appliance after undergoing testing with Hypnos. Please reach out to discuss more or move forward with next steps.
Meet the Team

Board Certified Sleep Medicine
Board Certified Family Medicine
Meet the Team
Dr. Zach Adams, MD

Dr. Harrison Gimbel, MD
Board Certified Sleep Medicine
Board Certified Family Medicine
Contact Us
Call or Text: 804-214-6604‬
Email: support@gethypnos.com
Expect a response within 24 hours. If communicating via email, please check your spam or junk folder if you have not received a response.
Providers can formally refer a patient here: